Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Nauvoo: the Mecca of Mormonism

This past Friday after meeting with our midwife we took a little road trip to Nauvoo, IL. While there, April and I had the chance to attend the Temple. Perhaps just as insightful as the Temple itself was my visit with the senior missionary couple (Elder & Sister Virgin) while waiting for April to rejoin the kids and me at the accommodation center. We spoke of the Nauvoo IL Temple as being a destination temple, one where people travel from all over the world just to attend, to claim and re-claim as their own one of the great narratives in American history, to renew their faith, to walk the streets of the City of Joseph. It is a pilgrimage to the Mecca of Mormonism! People come from all over with the expectation of having an experience - in particular, having an experience with the Divine!

It seems like there are very few that leave this sacred site disappointed; and I am not quite sure if it is a result of being in the midst of the site itself (i.e., the preeminence of Nauvoo and its Temple in Mormon history and culture) or of the mindset people have when visiting. Regardless, for me the lesson here seems to be one of preparedness, training oneself to expect (and experience) the best, and passionately pursuing the realization of those expectations! It is, after all, one's mindset or attitude that will ultimately determine the outcome of their experience!

The timing of this lesson is impeccable. (And, yes, it seems like I, too, have had "an experience" while visiting Nauvoo.) We are expecting number five to join our family in a matter of days (40 wks on February 7), and the baby as of now is presenting breech. If the four previous births we have had is a preview of what is to come, then it is reasonable to expect an experience with the Divine is forthcoming. My only concern: that ingratitude and self-absorption does not breach this newly acquired mindset!


  1. Great post! It helps me to remember to be excited no matter the outcomes of life specific and general.

  2. First Facebook now Blogging?!? Suzy has you hooked!

  3. I love the new post! And I LOVE the name of the Blog! I'm so excited for baby number FIVE!!!!
