Saturday, October 31, 2009

An Unpredictable Observation

Enoch (3 1/2 y/o)

The other day, while sitting around the dinner table, Enoch made a rather interesting diagnosis. Unlike the two older kids who were enjoying homemade chili relleno (potentially too spicy for the younger ones), he (along with Isaac) were the recipients of a cheese quesadilla. After a bite or two, Enoch began to cough. In between coughing bouts, he observed matter-of-factly that "I have whooping cough".

It seems that some childhood experiences will never be forgotten, as they are played out again and again -- at times, too, when we least expect it. You got to love the unpredictability of children! For me, this is, perhaps, one of the most endearing qualities they possess -- yet, at the same time, it can be one of the most maddening!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Autumn has Arrived!

Autumn has arrived! Not only is there a crispness in the air, but the color of summer is beginning to turn. Here in Missouri, we look to the soy and corn fields to confirm the inevitable -- that the frigid winter is but a few months away! Ice looming in the distance; and in anticipation, we try to keep warm by holding tight to the stale humidity of summer!

The transition from summer to winter is slow . . . but, given the conditions that we are leaving and will be heading into, it is not slow enough! This sad reality makes this past weekend all the more memorable! Here are a few of the scenes that we enjoyed on our Sunday drive out in the country!

A maze of corn . . . so tempting!

In the east, a full moon rising . . .

while in the west, the sun sets behind a silo!